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Academic Programme

The Diploma in Business Administration Programme offered by the Hong Kong Institute of Asia Education Management is a pre-university programme to enable you to apply for enry onto BA(Hons) Business Management/ BA(Hons) Business Studies at England, UK universities. The specialized programme in Business Administration offered in Hong Kong will prepare you for business related degree courses. And more importantly, the programme helps to strengthen the ability to manage your own learning, aim for further development academically or personally, and stretch for higher attainments.

Programme objectives

  • To provide students with business, management and technical skills that will enable them develop a career in business administration and management and to pursue further education in degree programmes ;
  • To enable students to develop approaches to defining, analysing and solving problems ;
  • To acquire a good understanding of information technology and systems and their application on business.

Assessment Methods

Performance of students is monitored and assessed on a continuous basis through a variety of methods, such as assignments, class participation, projects and final examinations.

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • HKDSE applicants must have atiained English Language and Mathematics; or
  • Recognised Certificate in Business Management; or
  • Completion of Poject Yi Jin, or equivalent qualification; or
  • Be mature student at the age of 21 or above.

About US

  • Institute of Asia Education Management isHong Kong’s professional body in Commerce.

    It has been dedicated to the promotion and development of Commercial/Business Education throughout Hong Kong, China and the world at large.

  • The Institute is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal.

    An independent, non Political, non-profit making professional organization. The Institute maintains an association of professionally qualified men and women in the fields of Commerce, Industry and manufacture for the promotion and advancement of Trade and Industry. The Institute has professional training and qualifying examination scheme, which provides adequate skilled manpower commerce oriented to the Chinese conditions locally and internationally in all aspects of in particular and the world in general.


The Objects Of The Institute

Determining what standards of knowledge and skill are to be atiained by persons seek-ing to become registered members of the Institute and reviewing those standards from time to time as circumstances may require.

Regulating and controlling the practice of professional commercial administration in all its ramifications.

Organize and conduct examinations, from time to time, in commerce and other related Secure the professional status necessary subjects to the profession for the purposesof admiting members to the Institute, enhancing their status therein, and issue membership certificates to persons admitted.

Secure the professional status necessary for the promotion and encouragement of the study and advancement of the science of commerce, knowledge and efficiency in commercial administration in the public and private sectors of the Hong Kong economy.